Water, water everywhere!
Rippling brooks and streams...and GREEN!
Nevel and I had a nice ride- mostly- except for the muck-and the time he JUMPED a very small rivulet and kicked his heels up afterwards as my hand/wrist jammed into his neck has his head came back up.
I laughed-picturing what we must have looked like
A high jump over a tiny rivulet? and then what are they called? when the horses leap...
You know...Certainly he looked like a LIPPIZANER? LOL
We had a hard time finding dry land to trot/canter on, and we did find some...but not much and then he decided he should go full speed and rip the reins from my hands...grrrrr
No amount of half halts worked...he finally slowed when we got to the mud...but even then he was in high gear for him...or at least wanting to be. KNUCKLEHEAD!
On the lane back home I let him go and we did a nice rocking horse canter up the hill.
FUN 4 mile ride.
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