
Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I headed out to the pasture bright and early on Sunday
Temps predicted to be in the high 90's by mid-day, but at 8 a.m. it was a nice 72.
Nevel was in the furthest corner of the pasture
and looked at me when I called but did not come running.
So I got my exercise only to find that he was across the creek
and I was not interested in trudging through knee deep
sucking I walked halfway back the pasture where I could cross and coaxed him over with snacks.
I had already determined that I was not going to use the Duett saddle on him.
He has had huge dry spots over the shoulders and I just can't find the perfect sweet spot when riding him in I slung the tucker plantation on him.
It looked like it fit him better than I had remembered
The Skito pad never would stay in place under the Duett
So I tried it with the Plantation
Nevel was saying "hmmmm, really?"
But after a few moves away from the mounting block
He stood still and let me board up and off we went to the Lake 
At first he walked slowly-not wanting to leave the barn
But as soon as we crossed the road and entered the "Big Wood" he took off and it was all I could do to hold him back...nice trotting and cantering, but we really need to work on a steady pace.
Any amount of freedom and I can feel his hind end go in to SPEEDO gear and off we go!
The Kimberwick bit seems to give me a bit more control at least.
Other than one major stumble on the way back home...where I thought for sure I was going to bite the dust along with him...
we  ended up having a nice little 6 mile jaunt before the temps started rising too much.
We had perfectly even sweat marks at the end of the ride
No apparent rubs and no Skito slippage....
"...Quit talking MOM...where are the CARROTS already????"

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