
Tuesday, April 25, 2017

April Sunday...or What Goes Up Must Come Down

I almost sold Nevel's Duett Saddle a few months ago, but decided to try it one more time.

So now we have three saddles for Nevel
Tucker Plantation for when he is really fat
DUETT for when he is medium fat to really fat
Sommer Endurance (Persee's saddle) for when he is thinner.

I decided to make it to Folsom Lake on this outing.  The trails were drier and in better condition although not perfect.  Nevel was relaxed and very well behaved...except when I ask him to stand still for picture taking-
along the road to the Sterling Pointe staging area.

Lupine amongst the Vine.

A blurred view of the Lake
The Flowers were awesome...Lupines, poppies and other various yellow and orange glories.
I had forgotten how DOWNHILL the trail to the lake is....argha...Nevel hates the downhill as do I!
But we found some level or slightly rolling going up to Long Bar and onward.

On the way back he took off at an 8 mph would have been great if we could have kept it up, but too many obstacles of either low branches, low spots with deep muck or more down hill.
So the rest we walked at about 3.8mph.

We head down the Lomida Road trail and came upon a Real estate agents metal A frame sign stuck on out rubberized culvert crossing.  Nevel stopped and eyed it...I thought...hhmmmm maybe we should go out in the road and around it...I turned around, but then thought again and made a BIG MISTAKE....urged Nevel past it.  He seriously checked it out and started walking past it...but just then his big fat fluffy tail took hold of that sign and crashed it into his hind legs.  He went STRAIGHT UP while I went STRAIGHT Down...or at least I think I did...cuz I had my eyes closed.

I went SPLAT on the Road while hanging on to his reins and hearing his steel shoes clanking around on the pavement.
Amazingly there were no cars coming either way and I only had a very small area on my left hip that even hurt!  WOW...
Only thing I can figure is that he pulled his head up as I dangled from his reins, plus I had at least a liter of water left in my back water pack and I am sure it cushioned my fall!
From their I decided to walk about a mile home to the trailer...

I'm not happy about this in his pasture!  Another accident waiting to happen!  Must speak to T about it.

Nevel enjoyed having his saddle off and munching on grass and other things...I think the ladybug ended up in Nevels Stomach!

Maybe that is why he is such a LOVE BUG!

Nevel was fine and dandy by the end of our adventure....I think

1 comment:

irish horse said...

Maybe we shouldn't ride together, between my trail mistakes and your accidents we're a disaster waiting to happen! ha!