
Sunday, January 12, 2014

HI ! My name is MAJOR !

(Please note...this is not intended to offend any one...
Major has the bestest mom in the WHOLE WIDE WORLD!
He Even told me that HIMSELF....
However, now that he is in cahoots with Nevel who is paddocked
across from him, I am getting all kinds of stories...and am starting to
wonder about Major's sense of reality...
If I had gotten a picture of Pronto covered
in Mud...we might have had a REAL story going here!)

"I am an endurance horse...sometimes...
when I feel like it...
My mom sometimes calls me a JERK...
She treats me extremely well really...
If anything...I am truthful!
She LOVEs me and feeds me lovely treats
But the "name calling in the public forum??? REALLY????
I heard from Nevel that his mom calls him mean names too!
What is WITH these human WISHY WASHY....
First they say:
"ooooooh I LOVE you"
"Next thing you know it is....DAMN JERK! "

"Now take a look at my picture...
Does that look like JERK material to YOU?


irish horse said...

Haha! Today Nevel said "my mom never feeds me treats and that's why I am looking so very sad. Will you share with me Major's mom.?" So he got a treat too. And do did Bandit. These horses sure know how to look cute!

falconfeathers said...

Ha Ha !!! so kind of you to TREAT Mr. Nevel!
...whose sole purpose
Is to live to eat!