
Sunday, March 24, 2013

"LET ME eat grass ALREADY!"

I was in a very bad space on Saturday afternoon
emotional and a bit stir crazy.  
I had not been out to see the horses for a week because it poured rain 
On the day day I was scheduled with Mike
I was depressed and could barely force myself to drive over to see the pasture pets.
After watching Falcon gallop around the arena a bit I decided I had enough energy (but barely) to get the saddle on him and go for a short ride.
After all
 It WAS a perfect 65 degrees for a lovely canter up the trail.
There is something about riding on a gorgeous bleu sky perfect weather day
that soothes the soul-at least a little bit.
Our first experience  shortly after the crossing the creek was
What an idiot.
(web photo)
I saw two people and a dog jogging down the narrow trail towards me. 
I hollered out
because there was NOT a passing area where I was with Falcon.
The guy stopped just above us and jumped off the trail behind a bush.
JUST what horses LOVE???!!!
Then the guy JUMPS out onto the trail-arms out and up and says

Falcon spread eagled-but thankfully planted his feet.
The woman yelled at the man to get his dog and get off of the trail.
The man did, but then hollered "GIVE HIM SOME WORK to do YAH YAH"
For Petes sake-what AILS these people?
Falcon jigged sideways and forward and onward we went, although he kept trying to take side trails to head back home through out the ride, he was well behaved except when we came across a bunch of branches on one trail and he did not want to wade through them because another rider had just come through them in the opposite direction and was heading home.  A jeep was coming also from a side road, so we turned and followed the rider on her 20 y/o very furry horse.
At one point, furry horse stopped and Falcon took this as an opportunity to rip a WHOLE BRANCH of green stuff from the side of the trail.
He munched happily on it, swishing it all over his face.  Yep you got was a branch of 
POISON OAK!  I am severely allergic to P.O. 
P.O. jumps right through my clothes and gives me big itchy welts.
When we reached the trail to go home I turned Falcon to the east on Sewer road.
He Balked and planted his feet.
There were mud puddles ahead and a scary looking BLACK horse down the trail.
We turned in circles
We backed up
we turned in circles some more
We planted our feet!
Ok Falcon-MOVE!
Finally he gave up and moved.  I trotted him down to where the black horse had been.
He startled slightly as a bike whizzed by on the trail above us.
He behaved
So we turned around and trotted towards home
Hopped over the creek 
and pulled up for a snack
"Let me HAVE some GRASS ALREADY!!!"
Happy boy, sporting my lovely comfy saddle!

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