
Sunday, September 22, 2013

Crisp and Crunchy

A damp almost musty scent of wet leaves lingered
The air was crispy, the skye a bright blue
The sand now moist...
Wonderful what a few hours of steady rain can do.

Nevel and I had a good ride in the arena
Plenty of serpentines at the trot
A buck at the canter.
It is difficult to get him cantering

Then we walked to the "big wood"
And took the furthest trail to the right.
It is a steep trail up and then we had to trail blaze
Around a fallen limb.

Nevel kept a close eye on all of the large rocks and
once we got to the meadow, I mounted and rode him back home.
"Where's my treat mom???"
Crunchy Windfall apples
Colors of fall

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay Fall!!! Lovely photos