
Thursday, January 10, 2013

A Visit to the "Dentist"...

Two for One
Is what they said
All the same
It was quite a drain
And  left my bank account
Cold and dead

And thus the boys received quite a spa treatment today.

Falcon started his day by working with Mike the trainer, followed by a hoof trimming by Dennis.

Nevel was VERY VERY bad for his pedicure with Dennis and we had to make him work…BACK BACK BACK  twice before he would stand still for his hind hooves.

Then the limousine arrived to take them to the Equine Center.  Both loaded and traveled nicely.

After a short wait, the Doc and his assistant came over and introduced themselves.

Falcon was first and took TWO doses of sedative to get him sedate enough for the dental portion.  He has no reason to be dropping his grain other than sheer laziness as his teeth were basically fine, and a few irritated areas on the inside of his mouth from the many sharp points.

Then the doc asked me if I wanted them to wash his sheath while he was sedated.  I am glad I said yes, because he had a very large “bean” and the Tech could not get it out all in one piece due to its size. 
No doubt he would have kicked had he been fully awake for it since he was wobbly attempting to as it was.
Following that he received his yearly vaccinations and was taken drunkenly to a holding pen to wake up.

Nevel was next and the decision was made to have his wolf teeth pulled as they were further forward then the Vet recommends in anticipation for “bit” work. 
He also had his points filed, his sheath cleaned, and yearly vaccinations.

Hopefully we won’t need to see the Vet for a LONG time!

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