
Saturday, August 4, 2018

Montana 3 Legged Horse

The horses in Montana are beautiful.

They graze on gigantic pastures and
Condition themselves on steep hills
They seem to live a life of ease.

Sleeping under trees
But on the last night of my stay
Hoping the best for rest
(the nights are short-sun on the horizon still at 1045 pm and glaring bright again @ 5 a.m)
Alas I did not get ANY!

Around 1 AM  I heard...clop...clop..clip clip clop repetitively.  It was so slow and scary sounding really.  I got up and looked out onto the deck...spooked the cat thus spooking myself.
Back to bed
Clop, clip clip clop...over and over.  just slow, with pauses...long pauses.  Finally I drifted off to sleep only to be awakened by what was obviously very FAST MOVING horses galloping in the tall grassed pasture next door.

At that point the clop clip clip clop became obviously another horse, on the road, now whinnying, snorting and galloping in an off beat manner.  I could only figure it was the DREADED Montana 3 LEGGED HORSE...or well, maybe one with only 3 shoes!  ha ha!

The pastured horses and loose one obviously met up in the dark over the fence and much squealing and more galloping around was heard.
At 5 a.m.  in the dawning light I peered out again and saw the outline of the loose horse in the ditch grazing next to the pasture.  By 6:30 it was totally gone and must have been captured.

I lived to tell the story and to have fun another day!

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